Jeune italien assis (1825-1827)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Jeune italien assis" (Seated Young Italian), a captivating work from Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot created between 1825 and 1827, is a profound illustration of Corot's skill in portrait painting—a genre less commonly associated with his name compared to his landscapes. The painting features a young Italian boy, who sits restfully yet with a certain precociousness that is brilliantly captured by the artist. His attire is charmingly disheveled; his white shirt partially unbuttoned, revealing a hint of his chest, with a jacket nonchalantly draped over his shoulders, and pants that gather at the knee, bunching over worn shoes—each element painted with thoughtful detail.The boy's expression is contemplative, suggesting a maturity beyond his years, emphasized by the shadow cast over his eyes and the light striking the side of his face. His large, dark hat adds a dramatic touch, enhancing both the mood and the compositional balance of the piece.In the background, barely visible yet intriguing, is a small painting within the painting—a landscape that hints at Corot's intrinsic love for depicting nature. This inclusion serves as a subtle bridge, connecting his renowned landscape prowess with his equally impressive portrait work.


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Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot was a French landscape and portrait painter as well as a printmaker in etching. He is a pivotal figure in landscape painting and his vast output simultaneously references the Neo-Classical tradition and anticipates the plein-air innovations of Impressionism.