Flight from Impivaara (1907)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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More about this artwork

"Flight from Impivaara" is a compelling pastel work by Finnish artist Akseli Gallen-Kallela, created in 1907. This artwork draws the viewer into a vivid scene filled with movement and drama, illustrating a pivotal moment of escape through a snowy landscape.In the painting, three figures are depicted in mid-motion, their bodies angled in a way that suggests they are running towards the viewer. The rugged textures and flowing lines of their clothing hint at the haste and perhaps desperation of their flight. The background features a twilight sky painted in hues of deep oranges and blues, contrasting sharply with the cold, white expanse of snow that covers the ground. This color contrast not only accentuates the sense of a chilling winter but also enhances the emotional intensity of the scene.The setting is likely the mythical Impivaara, a location from Finnish folklore, which Gallen-Kallela often visited in his works, interpreting themes of Finnish identity and mythology. This painting can be perceived as a visual narration that connects deeply with Finnish cultural heritage, encapsulating themes of struggle, survival, and the harsh beauty of the Finnish landscapes.


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