Portrait of a Woman (1762-1770)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Portrait of a Woman (1762-1770)" by Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo is a captivating painting that showcases the artist's mastery in capturing the essence and elegance of his subjects. This work features a young woman softly gazing towards the viewer, enveloped in a warm, gentle light that highlights her delicate features and serene expression.The subject is adorned in a richly decorative bodice, intricately detailed with golden floral motifs, which beautifully contrast with her creamy, understated blouse. A striking shawl, draped gracefully over her shoulders, boasts vibrant tones of red and yellow, adding a dynamic element to the composition. Her hair, adorned with subtle floral accents, softly frames her face, enhancing her youthful and serene demeanor.Tiepolo's use of light and shadow, along with his refined color palette, creates a tangible depth and realism, drawing the viewer into the intimate atmosphere of the portrait. This painting not only exemplifies the artist's skill in portraying the nuanced expressions and fashions of his time but also offers a timeless glimpse into the dignified grace of the portrayed woman.


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Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo (August 30, 1727 – March 3, 1804) was an Italian painter and printmaker in etching. He was the son of artist Giovanni Battista Tiepolo and elder brother of Lorenzo Baldissera Tiepolo.