La botanique de J. J. Rousseau Pl 62 (1805)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We are delighted to offer you a closer look at one of the treasures of our collection, "La botanique de J. J. Rousseau Pl 62" (1805), created by the renowned botanical artist Pierre Joseph Redouté. Renowned for his detailed and vibrant illustrations of plants, Redouté brings the beauty of botany to life with precision and artistic flair in this exquisite work.This particular illustration features a variety of botanical elements arranged neatly against a clean, pale background that enhances the delicate details and subtle coloring of the plants. At the top of the composition, you can observe artfully depicted seeds and fruit sections, showcasing their unique internal structures and patterns. Below, a selection of leaves and pods are rendered with lifelike accuracy, inviting viewers to appreciate the simplicity and complexity of nature’s designs. From the plump peas swelling in their pods to the intricate texture of what might be dried capsules, each element is a testament to Redouté's skill and dedication to portraying botanical subjects.The artwork is not only a visual delight but also a scientific contribution, reflecting the Enlightenment’s enthusiasm for understanding and organizing the natural world. "La botanique de J. J. Rousseau" serves as a bridge between art and science, capturing the intricate beauty of flora with an accuracy important for study and enjoyment.We invite all visitors, whether art aficionados, botanists, or those simply in search of beauty, to dive into the details of this magnificent piece. Let each leaf, pod, and seed transport you to a world where art meets science in the most harmonious way.


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Pierre-Joseph Redouté, was a painter and botanist from Belgium, known for his watercolours of roses, lilies and other flowers at Malmaison, many of which were published as large, color stipple engravings. He was nicknamed "the Raphael of flowers" and has been called the greatest botanical illustrator of all time.