An Assault upon Travellers (1643)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"An Assault upon Travellers" is a compelling 17th-century painting by Dutch artist Philips Wouwerman, renowned for his dynamic landscapes and skilled depiction of horses. This artwork, crafted in 1643, displays a dramatic scene set in a rustic landscape.At the heart of the painting, the chaos of an assault unfolds. We see a group of travelers, caught by surprise, as they are attacked by a band of robbers. The scene is animated with swift movements and expressions of fear and defense. A horse-drawn carriage, filled with passengers, occupies the right side of the canvas, struggling to evade the attackers. The tension is palpable as men on horseback and on foot clash around the beleaguered carriage.The use of light and shadow in the painting enhances the drama, focusing attention on the central figures amidst the skirmish. The landscape itself contributes to the narrative, with the winding pathway and sloped terrain adding a sense of instability and hurried movement. Wouwerman's skill in painting horses is evident, as each animal is rendered with careful attention to anatomy and emotion, reflecting the panic and confusion of the moment.Overall, "An Assault upon Travellers" is not just a depiction of a historical event, but an evocative story captured on canvas, inviting viewers to ponder the dangers of travel in the past and the timeless nature of human conflict and resilience.


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Philips Wouwerman (also Wouwermans) was a Dutch painter of hunting, landscape and battle scenes.

Philips Wouwerman was one of the most versatile and prolific artists of the Dutch Golden Age. Embedded in the artistic environment and tradition of his home town of Haarlem, Wouwerman made an important and highly influential contribution to the canon of seventeenth-century Dutch painting.