Venus en Anchises

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The artwork "Venus and Anchises" by Cornelis Pronk is a captivating exploration of mythology, rendered with delicate finesse. This drawing depicts a classical scene involving Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty, alongside Anchises, a mortal with whom she had a legendary affair. In the composition, Venus is portrayed with a gentle yet melancholic expression, her posture both nurturing and protective as she interacts with Anchises. The presence of Anchises, shown with robust and muscular form, highlights the blend of divine and human elements, a common theme in mythological narratives.A notable addition to this scene is the presence of a small child, possibly representing Aeneas, the offspring of Venus and Anchises, who is famously known to have become a hero and the legendary forefather of the Romans. The intimate and tender interaction among the figures, combined with the soft rendering in red chalk, contributes to the overall warmth and emotional depth of the piece.Cornelis Pronk's expertise in capturing human emotion and mythological storytelling is evident in this piece, making it a remarkable example of 18th-century European art.


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Cornelis Pronk (10 December 1691 – 28 or 29 September 1759), also known as Cornelis Pronck, was a Dutch draughtsman, painter and porcelain designer. He is known particularly for his numerous drawings of cities, towns and buildings (so-called topographical drawings), as well as for his porcelain designs.