De Ares Ludovisi

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The exquisite artwork titled "De Ares Ludovisi" by Cornelis Pronk depicts a seated male figure, imbuing a classic, sculptural finesse with its soft yet precise red chalk lines. The figure, reminiscent of ancient Greco-Roman warriors, is elegantly draped in flowing robes, his relaxed posture portrayed with a subtle mastery that highlights both strength and serenity.The seated figure holds a helmet delicately in one hand, suggesting themes of warfare and peace simultaneously. His contemplative gaze, directed slightly away from the viewer, adds an air of introspection. To his side, a small dog looks up at him, a symbol often associated with loyalty or protection in classical art. The shield resting beside him further enriches the martial symbolism, emphasizing the duality of power and restraint.Set against a lightly sketched backdrop that hints at a pastoral landscape, this drawing not only showcases Pronk’s skill in capturing human anatomy and emotion but also reflects the classical inspirations that resonate through his work.


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Cornelis Pronk (10 December 1691 – 28 or 29 September 1759), also known as Cornelis Pronck, was a Dutch draughtsman, painter and porcelain designer. He is known particularly for his numerous drawings of cities, towns and buildings (so-called topographical drawings), as well as for his porcelain designs.