Stehende Dame nach rechts

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Artist: Gustav KlimtIn this delicate yet evocative sketch titled "Stehende Dame nach rechts" by Gustav Klimt, we glimpse the artist’s adept hand capturing the essence of grace and elegance. The artwork is a pencil drawing on paper, minimalist in technique but rich in its conveyance of the human form and poise.The composition focuses on a standing woman depicted in profile looking to the right. Her features are sketched with fine, almost ethereal lines that suggest rather than delineate form, allowing our eyes to fill in the soft curves and contours of her dress and figure. The drawing shows the upper part of her body in more detail, including what appears to be a draped or ruched garment, potentially capturing a moment of stillness with a muted expressiveness. Her posture and attire imply a blend of dignity and a timeless style, characteristic of Klimt's approach to capturing his subjects.The use of minimal lines against the plain background draws viewers into a focused intimacy with the subject, enjoying the simplicity yet profound subtlety of Klimt's style.


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Gustav Klimt (1862–1918) was one of the greatest Austrian symbolist painters of the Art Nouveau era. Renowned as one of the most prominent founding members, and as a president of the Vienna Art Nouveau movement (Vienna Secession). His works were mainly paintings, murals, and sketches. Marked by his numerous erotic drawings, Klimt's primary subject were female figures, and at one point his work was even criticized as pornographic. Klimt found financial success in his "Golden Phase" with decorative techniques and the prominent use of gold leaf in his paintings.