Paon, grille fer forgé. Cigales et groseiller, linge damassé. Libellules et pissenlit, dentelle. (1897)

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Cigales et groseiller, linge damassé. Libellules et pissenlit, dentelle” (1897)Maurice Pillard Verneuil's 1897 artwork titled “Paon, grille fer forgé. Cigales et groseiller, linge damassé. Libellules et pissenlit, dentelle” is a captivating demonstration of Art Nouveau's seamless blend of the natural world with decorative arts. This piece beautifully merges organic subjects and ornate craftsmanship, illustrating Verneuil's mastery in graphic design and his deep engagement with nature as an artistic muse.The upper portion of the painting features an exquisite depiction of a wrought iron gate that forms a semi-circular peacock tail, showcasing Verneuil’s skill in translating the opulence and meticulous structure of a peacock’s plumage into metalwork designs. The rich detail and ornamental curves not only highlight the elegance inherent in natural forms but also celebrate the intricate artistry of ironwork.Below this, the artwork is divided into a duo of panels, each exploring different naturalistic themes through a stylized lens. The left panel softly illustrates currants and cicadas amongst foliage, rendered in a lighter, more muted fashion that suggests the delicate interplay of light and shadow, evoking the fleeting beauty of summer days. In contrast, the right panel is more densely decorated, featuring dragonflies and dandelions interwoven with lace-like patterns, suggesting a delicate and intricate connection between the natural elements and the crafted textile, highlighting the finesse required in lace-making.“Paon, grille fer forgé.


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Maurice Pillard Verneuil was a French artist and decorator in the Art nouveau movement. He was born in Saint-Quentin, France. Maurice Pillard Verneuil learned his trade from the Swiss designer Eugène Grasset. Maurice Pillard Verneuil then went on to become a well-known artist and designer. He was inspired by Japanese art and nature, particularly the sea. He is known for his contribution to the art deco movement and, in particular, his use of bold, floral designs in ceramic tiles, wallpapers and other furnishing textiles.