Campagna with Distant Aqueduct

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Ernst Schiess's painting, "Campagna with Distant Aqueduct," captures a serene and timeless panorama of the Italian countryside. The artwork features the vast, open fields of the Campagna, a landscape that stretches out under a lively, textured sky. With a blend of vivid and subdued hues, Schiess evokes a lush green foreground that gradually merges into the earthy tones of the middle distance.Dominating the heart of this scenic depiction are the remnants of an ancient aqueduct, symbolizing the enduring presence of history within the natural surroundings. The aqueduct arches are rendered with a rustic elegance, standing as silent witnesses to the passing of time.With sweeping brushstrokes and a vibrant play of light, Schiess creates a dynamic yet harmonious atmosphere that invites viewers into a reflective journey through Italy’s enchanting vistas. His use of impressionistic techniques, favoring mood and emotion over detailed representation, makes this painting an evocative piece that resonates with the beauty and tranquility of the rural Italian landscape.


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Ernst Schiess (14 September 1840 - 9 September 1915) was a German engineer and businessman. He was a long-time member of the Düsseldorf City Council, President of the Düsseldorf Chamber of Commerce and founder of the German Association of Machinists (VDW).