Rowntree’s Elect Cocoa (1899)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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On our beloved gallery website, we are excited to feature the iconic work "Rowntree's Elect Cocoa" from 1899, created by the esteemed artist William Nicholson. This striking advertisement art encapsulates the spirited energy of the era with its bold, simplified forms and compelling use of color.In the painting, three figures are depicted with a refined minimalist touch that highlights Nicholson's mastery of the print medium. The central figure, a well-dressed gentleman with a jovial expression, prominently holds a cup of cocoa, symbolizing warmth and comfort. His attire, especially the hat and the patterned scarf, adds a touch of sophistication and charm, evoking the fashionable aesthetic of the time. To his back, two outlined profiles add depth and narrative to the composition, suggesting perhaps a universal appeal of the product across different individuals.The typography, with its large, bold letters, complements the overall design, making it not only an advertisement but also a piece of art that speaks to the artistic movements of the late 19th century. The colors, primarily in earth tones with accents of red, draw attention while maintaining an elegant harmony."Rowntree's Elect Cocoa" by William Nicholson is more than just a commercial advertisement; it is a snapshot of historical art trends, consumer culture, and the timeless appeal of a good cup of cocoa.


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Sir William Nicholson was a British painter of still-life, landscape and portraits. He also worked as a printmaker in techniques including woodcut, wood-engraving and lithography, as an illustrator, as an author of children's books and as a designer for the theatre.