Sheep and Cows (1790s)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Venture into a pastoral world with Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo’s captivating drawing, "Sheep and Cows," from the 1790s. This artwork presents a serene yet dynamic rural scene, skillfully rendered to capture the essence of agricultural life in the 18th century.This intricate wash drawing showcases a grouping of animals that serves as the focal point. Several cows and sheep are depicted in various positions – some standing, others lying down – suggesting both movement and rest within the herd. The animals are rendered with an eye for detail and an understanding of their forms, their fur depicted with delicate, textured strokes that convey both softness and volume.Adding depth to this bucolic scene is a lone herder, positioned near the center, interacting with one of the cows. His presence, characterized by an attentive posture and draped garments, highlights the human connection to nature and the pastoral lifestyle so often romanticized in art of this period.The background, while subtle, features a vast, open landscape with gently rolling hills, sporadic trees, and a faint outline of a distant mountain, possibly suggesting the rugged terrain of the Veneto region, where Tiepolo lived and worked. A hint of a building or structure in the far right injects a sense of human habitation into this natural setting. Overhead, birds in flight add a layer of life and movement, enhancing the overall feel of tranquility and freedom.Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo, known for both his frescoes and his intimate drawings and sketches, captures in "Sheep and Cows" an authentic slice of rural life.


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Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo (August 30, 1727 – March 3, 1804) was an Italian painter and printmaker in etching. He was the son of artist Giovanni Battista Tiepolo and elder brother of Lorenzo Baldissera Tiepolo.