Marguérite (1868 - 1928)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Explore the intriguing fusion of nature and human expression in Jan Toorop's artwork titled "Marguérite (1868 - 1928)." This portrait captivates with its unique blend of symbolism and Art Nouveau style, portraying a woman's face intimately aligned with the delicate shapes of blooming flowers. The woman, depicted in a side profile, gazes thoughtfully into the distance. Her features are drawn with gentle, flowing lines that harmonize with the organic forms of the flowers beside her.The flower, likely a white iris, covers part of her face and appears almost as an extension of her being, suggesting a deep connection to nature or perhaps symbolizing purity and transformation. Toorop’s use of soft, pastel colors enhances the dreamy, ethereal quality of the composition, inviting viewers to contemplate the relationship between human inner life and the natural world.This piece is not only a testament to Toorop's skill as a draftsman and his innovative aesthetic but also evokes a sense of introspection and the beauty of introspective solitude.


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Jan Toorop (1858–1928) was a 19-century Dutch-Javanese painter who extensively experimented with different artistic styles ranging from Realism, Impressionism, Symbolism and Art Nouveau to Pointillism. He was famous for using highly stylized slim figures and dynamic lines that were influenced by Indonesian motifs and curvilinear lines. His most famous poster artwork “Delft Salad Oil”, commissioned by The Dutch Oil Company, became so iconic that the Dutch Art Nouveau painting style is given the nickname "the salad oil style". Despite the fact that Toorop's expertise was in producing designs for marketing and advertisements, he also produced a number of fine art pieces that dealt with darker subjects including the human physche and emotions.