In India, on the March

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Samuel Davis' evocative watercolor work, "In India, on the March," captures a serene yet lively scene set against the majestic landscapes of India. This painting efficiently conveys the essence of travel and exploration during the time it was created. It features a group of travelers in a pastoral landscape, complemented by a verdant foreground and rugged, rocky hills in the background.On the left side of the composition, a procession is led by a horse-mounted figure followed by a guide; their direction seems aimed towards or coming from the river bank. To the right, the daily life unfolds by the banks of a river: individuals engaged in various activities such as talking, preparing meals, and handling boats. A richly decorated palanquin stands ready, suggesting the presence of an important person or traveler resting or preparing for the onward journey.The light, airy palette and the soft outlines provide a sense of the transient, fleeting moments experienced during travel. Davis's skill in capturing the atmospheric qualities of the Indian landscape combined with intimate human activity invites viewers to a moment of historical and geographic reflection. It not only portrays a physical voyage but also encapsulates the era's cultural and social intersections.This painting is an exquisite representation of the landscape genre that provides a window into the exploration and encounters of the British in India, seen through the eyes of an artist and traveler of the 18th century.


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Samuel Davis was an English soldier turned diplomat who later became a director of the East India Company (EIC). He was the father of John Francis Davis, one time Chief Superintendent of British Trade in China and second governor of Hong Kong.