Neun Enten am Teichufer (1900)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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A charming and intimate portrayal of domestic tranquility, Alexander Koester’s "Neun Enten am Teichufer" (Nine Ducks at the Pond's Edge) captures the serene energy of a group of ducks nestled beside a pond. Painted in 1900, this piece highlights Koester's renowned ability to depict ducks with an almost tactile realism, enhanced by his masterful use of light and color.In this painting, a group of nine ducks – a mix of white and mallards – are beautifully rendered, each feather detailed in a way that showcases their softness and the glossy sheen of their plumage. The ducks are grouped closely together, suggesting a sense of community and warmth. Some face inward, engaging directly with one another, while others look out toward the viewer, creating a connection that invites one into their world.The background and the bank upon which the ducks rest are painted with loose, impressionistic strokes of browns and grays, contrasting with the more detailed and vibrant depiction of the ducks. This technique not only focuses the viewer's attention on the birds but also suggests the rugged texture of the natural environment, enhancing the overall naturalistic setting.Koester’s work is a celebration of nature and its nuanced beauties. "Neun Enten am Teichufer" is a perfect example of his talent for capturing the quiet moments in the lives of animals, providing viewers a glimpse into the peaceful existence at the water's edge.


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Alexander Max Koester (10 February 1864, Bergneustadt - 21 December 1932, Munich) was a German landscape and animal painter. He specialized in scenes with ducks.