By The Old Aqueduct, Campagna, Italy (circa 1873)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"By The Old Aqueduct, Campagna, Italy" is a serene painting by the acclaimed American artist George Inness, dating back to around 1873. This captivating artwork transports viewers to the tranquil and historic outskirts of Rome, a scene characterized by a pastoral grace and the remnants of ancient architecture.The composition softly unfolds under a vast, overcast sky that gently transitions from a muted blue to a warm cream, suggesting either a rising or setting sun. Dominating the landscape is a lush, towering tree, masterfully painted to capture the density and vibrancy of nature. The foliage's rich greens are beautifully contrasted against the subdued backdrop, illustrating Inness's gift for balancing color and light.Below, the ruins of an old aqueduct, timeless in their decay, hint at the grandiosity of past civilizations. These structures are rendered in warm earth tones, standing as silent witnesses to the passage of time. The foreground is a lively yet peaceful pastoral scene where a figure, likely a local peasant, is seen amidst small flocks of sheep, adding a human element that invites contemplation on daily life amidst historical grandeur.Inness's work is renowned for its spiritual and atmospheric qualities, and "By The Old Aqueduct" is no exception.


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George Inness (May 1, 1825 – August 3, 1894) was a prominent American landscape painter.

Now recognized as one of the most influential American artists of the nineteenth century, Inness was influenced by the Hudson River School at the start of his career. He also studied the Old Masters, and artists of the Barbizon school during later trips to Europe. There he was introduced to the theology of Emanuel Swedenborg, which was significant for him; he expressed that spiritualism in the works of his maturity (1879–1894).