Gulli II (1918)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to an exploration of "Gulli II," a captivating etching created by the renowned Swedish artist Anders Zorn in 1918. This evocative work draws the viewer into an intimate encounter with Gulli, a character whose gaze and presence dominate the composition.The etching shows a close-up portrait of a young woman, her face framed by what appears to be a traditional headscarf, tilted slightly to create a dynamic and expressive angle. Her eyes are hauntingly direct, meeting the viewer with an intense and penetrating look that suggests depth and contemplation. The attire suggests simplicity and perhaps rural roots, indicated by her modest clothing and the unadorned scarf.Zorn's mastery in etching is evident through his intricate play of light and shadow, created through dense cross-hatching and fine lines, that brings a rich texture to the depiction. The background remains undefined yet somber, emphasizing the subject's face and her distinct expression."Gulli II" is not just a portrait but a story told through the silent language of expression, attire, and ambiance, crafted by a skilled artist deeply in tune with his subject.


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Anders Leonard Zorn (18 February 1860 – 22 August 1920) was a Swedish painter. He attained international success as a painter, sculptor, and etching artist. Among Zorn's portrait subjects include King Oscar II of Sweden and three American Presidents: Grover Cleveland, William H. Taft, and Theodore Roosevelt. At the end of his life, he established the Swedish literary Bellman Prize in 1920.