View of a Stream (1895)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The painting captures a serene and tranquil landscape, featuring a gently flowing stream surrounded by lush greenery. On the left side, a cluster of tall, dense trees stands majestically, their leaves a mix of greens and hints of yellow, possibly reflecting the onset of autumn. The right side shows a grassy embankment leading towards the distance with a narrow, meandering path edged by subtle hints of wildflowers. The water, reflecting the sky and trees, shimmers with a play of light and shadows, contributing to the calmness of the scene. The horizon is softly blurred, where the stream meets the gentle slopes of distant hills, enveloped in a hazy, atmospheric glow that suggests early morning or late afternoon light.


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Henri-Joseph Harpignies (June 28, 1819 – August 28, 1916) was a French landscape painter of the Barbizon school.