Untitled (cattle near river with sailboat in distance)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Edward Mitchell Bannister's painting "Untitled (Cattle Near River with Sailboat in Distance)" invites viewers into a serene, pastoral scene framed by the artist’s masterful use of earthy tones and broad, expressive brushstrokes. This landscape captures a tranquil moment in nature, featuring a group of cattle grazing near the edge of a river. The foreground of the painting is dominated by lush greenery and a cluster of robust trees, which provide a rich contrast to the gentle river visible in the background.On the river, a sailboat glides gracefully, its sails faint yet distinct against the subtly textured sky. The sky itself, a canvas of soft grays and pale blues, suggests a calm, overcast day, with the gentle movement of clouds overhead.Bannister’s skill in blending the elements of earth and water under a vast sky evokes a sense of timeless peace and harmony with nature. Each brushstroke contributes to a sense of depth and texture, making the scene vibrantly alive yet profoundly soothing.This painting not only showcases Bannister’s talent for landscape art but also reflects his deep appreciation for the quiet majesty of natural settings.


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Edward Mitchell Bannister (November 2, 1828 – January 9, 1901) was an oil painter of the American Barbizon school. Born in Canada, he spent his adult life in New England in the United States. There, along with his wife Christiana Carteaux Bannister, he was a prominent member of African-American cultural and political communities, such as the Boston abolition movement. Bannister received national recognition after he won a first prize in painting at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition. He was also a founding member of the Providence Art Club and the Rhode Island School of Design.