La Sculpture (1901)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We are pleased to present "La Sculpture," a captivating illustration by the renowned Swiss artist Félix Vallotton, created in 1901. This intriguing work of art features a serene yet striking scene that merges Vallotton’s keen sense of design with a whimsical narrative approach.The central frame of the illustration portrays an artist in a smock, meticulously carving a large plaster sculpture of a human foot. The workspace appears organized, with tools and sculpting materials strategically placed, carved wooden beams supportively border the workspace signifying the atelier environment. Punctuated by a large window that floods the room with natural light, the room is also sparsely furnished, featuring a sturdy stool — possibly for the artist to rest or contemplate his next move.Vallotton’s use of clear, bold lines and simplified forms is evident here, lending a graphic quality that is both modern and expressive. The artwork is enhanced by a beautifully ornate border, resplendent with Art Nouveau influences, swirling lines and patterns that wrap around the central image like a delicate frame, adding a layer of elegance and encapsulating the creative spirit within."La Sculpture" is more than just documentation of an artist at work; it is a celebration of the act of creation itself, rendered with precision and grace by Félix Vallotton.


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Félix Édouard Vallotton (December 28, 1865 – December 29, 1925) was a Swiss and French painter and printmaker associated with the group of artists known as Les Nabis. He was an important figure in the development of the modern woodcut. He painted portraits, landscapes, nudes, still lifes, and other subjects in an unemotional, realistic style.