The Bathing Hour, Chester, Nova Scotia (1910)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"The Bathing Hour, Chester, Nova Scotia" is a captivating painting from 1910 by American artist William James Glackens, known for his vibrant and expressive approach to color and composition. This artwork takes viewers to a lively seaside scene in the picturesque town of Chester, Nova Scotia, capturing a moment filled with light and movement.In this painting, Glackens presents a richly detailed depiction of seaside leisure at the turn of the century. The foreground is dominated by sparkling blue waters where children and adults alike enjoy the cool embrace of the sea. Some swim playfully while others float gently, basking in the summer sun.The middle ground of the scene is filled with activity and color. A wooden dock serves as a platform for social interaction, where figures clad in bright, flowing summer dresses and hats are portrayed in casual repose, engaging in conversations under parasols. Nearby, a small rowboat bobs on the water's surface, suggesting the joy of impromptu seafaring adventures.The background features quaint wooden houses, demarcating the boundary between land and sea. These structures, painted in soft, earthy tones, contrast with the vivid greens of the grassy hill, symbolizing the harmonious blend of human habitation and natural landscape.Glackens' use of dynamic brushstrokes and a lively palette not only highlights the joy and relaxation of a day by the sea but also subtly points to the social and recreational practices of the era. "The Bathing Hour, Chester, Nova Scotia" is a delightful visual record of community, leisure, and the simple pleasures of summer days spent by the water.


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19th century middle-class urban lifestyle scenes painted by William James Glackens (1870-1938), American realist and modernist painter. He was the first American artist to gain recognition and success without any formal European training. His art focused on scenes of leisure and entertainment, with incredible attention to color and expressive brushwork.