Landscape with Ducks (1872)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Charles François Daubigny, a central figure of the Barbizon School, is renowned for his idyllic depictions of nature that meticulously prepare the transition towards Impressionism. His 1872 masterpiece, "Landscape with Ducks," beautifully encapsulates the tranquil essence of the French countryside, highlighting his keen observation and deep affection for the natural world.In "Landscape with Ducks," Daubigny presents a serene vista viewed at either dawn or dusk, as evident by the soft, diffused light that imbues the sky with shades of burnt orange and warm yellows, softly transitioning into blues. This radiant backdrop illuminates the clouds and casts reflections upon the gentle waters of a placid river.The foreground focus is a graceful assembly of ducks placidly gliding over the water, adding a vital pulse of life to the tranquil scene. On the riverbank, lush greenery and mature trees frame the water, their dark silhouettes contributing to the calm, reflective atmosphere. Shadows merge with reflections, blurring the boundaries between what is tangible and what is mirrored on the water’s surface, creating a harmonious interplay of light and dark.This painting, while simple in composition, is a profound testimony to Daubigny's skill in capturing the fleeting moods of nature with graceful brushstrokes and a harmonized palette. It invites viewers to pause and reflect, much like the quiet moments it depicts, underscoring the enduring beauty and tranquility of nature.


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Charles-François Daubigny (15 February 1817 – 19 February 1878) was a French painter, one of the members of the Barbizon school, and is considered an important precursor of impressionism.

He was also a prolific printmaker, mostly in etching but also as one of the main artists to use the cliché verre technique.