Hafeneinfahrt von Palma di Mallorca

Technique: Giclée quality print
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We invite you to delve into the serene beauty of Ernst Schiess’s painting titled "Hafeneinfahrt von Palma di Mallorca," a captivating artwork that embodies the tranquil essence of the Mediterranean. Schiess, with his subtle mastery of color and texture, transports viewers to the bustling harbor entrance of Palma de Mallorca. Admire the calming hues of the sea merging seamlessly with the sky, broken only by the gentle outlines of distant mountains and a solid, stoic ship making its way through the placid waters.This painting stands out for its impressionistic approach, depicting a scene that emphasizes mood and atmosphere over intricate detail. The foreground features architectural forms that suggest the grandeur of the harbor, painted in warm, earth-toned colors contrasting with the cool, soothing green-blue palette of the sea and sky.Each stroke of Schiess’s brushwork contributes to a sense of movement and fluidity, reflecting the ever-changing surfaces of the sea. This piece not only accentuates the artist’s keen eye for capturing the moment but also stirs a sense of wanderlust and nostalgia for the charming Mediterranean coasts."Hafeneinfahrt von Palma di Mallorca" offers a timeless glimpse into the soul of this iconic destination, making it a perfect piece for those who appreciate the blend of natural beauty and subtle human activity.


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Ernst Schiess (14 September 1840 - 9 September 1915) was a German engineer and businessman. He was a long-time member of the Düsseldorf City Council, President of the Düsseldorf Chamber of Commerce and founder of the German Association of Machinists (VDW).