Der Internist Professor Samuel Stern (1876-1877)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This captivating portrait by Austrian artist Anton Romako, painted between 1876 and 1877, features Professor Samuel Stern, a distinguished internist of his time. The painting, entitled “Der Internist Professor Samuel Stern,” exhibits Romako's skill in capturing the essence and character of his subjects through expressive brushwork and a rich, textured palette.The portrait is strikingly intimate. Stern is depicted looking slightly to the side, away from the viewer, which may suggest a moment of contemplation or introspection. His face is rendered with fine, detailed brushstrokes, highlighting his sharp eyes behind the spectacles and the textures of his thick, dark beard. The deep, dark tones of his clothing blend seamlessly into the shadowy, indistinct background, focusing all attention on the detailed features of his face and the reflective quality in his eyes.Romako's use of light subtly illuminates Stern's forehead and cheek, adding depth and a gentle humanism to the portrayal. The overall effect is one of a profound, intellectual presence—a testament to Stern's standing in the medical community and perhaps his inner life as well.


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Anton Romako (20 October 1832 – 8 March 1889) was an Austrian painter.