Odysseus flygter fra Polyfem (1812)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Odysseus flygter fra Polyfem" (1812) by Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg captures a dramatic moment from the epic Greek poem, The Odyssey. In this scene, the cunning hero Odysseus escapes from the cave of the Cyclops Polyphemus, who is vividly depicted here. Eckersberg’s rendering transports us to the tension-filled cavern where strategy and stealth played crucial roles in Odysseus's survival and escape.In the foreground, Odysseus is seen in an intense moment, his body tensely hunched as he plots his next move. He is nude, which underscores his vulnerability yet highlights his reliance on intellect over physical power against the monstrous Polyphemus. In contrast, the Cyclops is powerfully built, his back to the viewer, and sporting a traditional warrior’s helmet, suggesting his fierce and formidable nature.This sepia-toned watercolor focuses on raw human emotion and physical expression, masterfully encapsulating a pivotal mythological narrative. Eckersberg’s attention to anatomical accuracy and the dynamic composition enhances the psychological intensity of the encounter, making it a compelling depiction of human wit versus brute strength.


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Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg (2 January 1783 – 22 July 1853) was a Danish painter. He went on to lay the foundation for the period of art known as the Golden Age of Danish Painting, and is referred to as the "Father of Danish painting".