Salon des Cent (1896)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The artwork "Salon des Cent (1896)" by Pierre Bonnard is a striking poster designed to advertise an exhibition held at the Salon des Cent. The Salon des Cent was a significant art exhibition space in Paris, famously linked with the promotion of graphic arts and posters in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.The design of this particular poster is both elegant and whimsical, effectively capturing the essence of the artistic vibrancy of the time. The central figure in the poster is a stylized woman, drawn with elongated features that lend an ethereal grace to her form. She is adorned with a bold flower on her head, and her pose—leaning slightly—adds a sense of motion to the composition. The background features simplistic yet expressive sketches, including a small, darkly shaded dog that balances the composition and adds a touch of whimsy.The text on the poster is prominently placed and is integral to the design, providing details of the exhibition such as the location at "31 rue Bonaparte" and the dates spanning August to September of 1896. The typeface used is simple yet bold, enhancing the overall artistic flair of the poster.Bonnard's use of a restrained color palette, focusing on yellows and blues, alongside the raw pencil lines, creates a compelling contrast that draws the viewer’s eye across various elements of the poster. This piece is not just an advertisement but an artistic statement, showcasing Bonnard’s skill in combining text and image to evoke curiosity and admiration.


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Pierre Bonnard (1867-1947) was a French post-impressionist painter, printmaker, and the leader of the Intimist art movement. He is regarded as one of the greatest colourists of modern art. Together with other young artists in Montmarte, Bonnard co-founded the group known as Les Nabis, translated from the arabic word “prophet”. He was known for a painting style that was very intimate, featuring friends in a garden, nudes, interiors and sunlit objects of everyday life. He began by painting in watercolor, composing scenes and deeply familiarizing himself with the subject, before transferring the composition to canvas. In many of his paintings, his mistress Marthe was the main subject. She was his most important model and was often pictured nude, after 30 years they finally married.