A Votre Santé (1894)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"A Votre Santé" by Jean François Raffaëlli is a compelling depiction of a simple, serene moment encapsulated in daily life. Painted in 1894, the artwork exhibits strong themes of contentment and humble leisure. The painting captures an elderly man sitting at a rustic wooden table, about to enjoy a modest meal. His expression, while primarily obscured, suggests a moment of quiet contemplation or perhaps a silent toast, as suggested by the title "A Votre Santé" which translates to "To Your Health" in English.In this work, Raffaëlli illustrates a rural setting with a sparse, yet inviting landscape in the background. The soft, muted tones and the sketch-like quality of the lines lend a timeless, almost nostalgic quality to the scene. The objects on the table—a bottle, a large mug, and a piece of bread—while simple, are rendered with a sense of solidity and tangibility that invites the viewer to join in this quiet celebration of life's small pleasures.


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Jean-François Raffaëlli was a French realist painter, sculptor, and printmaker who exhibited with the Impressionists. He was also active as an actor and writer.

Born in Paris, he was of Tuscan descent through his paternal grandparents. He showed an interest in music and theatre before becoming a painter in 1870. One of his landscape paintings was accepted for exhibition at the Salon in that same year.