Ťahanovské riadky (1927)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Konštantín Bauer's evocative painting, "Ťahanovské riadky" (1927), offers viewers a serene look into a seemingly quiet village life, characterized by lush vegetation and humble architecture, all enveloped in a somber, yet harmonious palette. The artwork captures an everyday rural scene with soft, moody tones and rhythmic textures that emphasize the tranquility of the countryside.At the center of the painting, a modest house with a bright facade stands prominently, flanked by dark, thickly painted vegetation and a tall, slender tree that stretches towards the turbulent sky above, giving a sense of height and dynamism to the composition. The foreground features rows of what appear to be cropped fields or grasslands, rendered with wide, sweeping brushstrokes that convey the gentle undulations of the terrain. The overcast sky with layers of grey and blue adds a nostalgic and introspective mood to the overall scene.Bauer's brushwork is evident in the expressive depiction of the clouds and the textured greenery, providing a tactile sense of the natural elements within the painting. This piece not only showcases Bauer's skill in portraying rural settings in a way that seems both intimate and expansive but also invites viewers to contemplate the quiet beauty and enduring rhythm of life outside urban tumult.


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Konštantín Bauer was a Slovak painter.

Konštantín Bauer was born on November 24, 1893 in Slovenská Ľupča. He spent his childhood in Banská Bystrica. At the age of fifteen, he moved with his parents to Košice, where he graduated from high school. After graduating in mechanical engineering in Budapest in 1915, he worked briefly as an engineer in Novo Mesto pod Šiatrom. From 1916 to 1918 he worked as a railway engineer in Transylvania and then as a civilian employee at the Ministry of War in Vienna.