Sunset (ca. 1875-1880)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Edward Mitchell Bannister's "Sunset," painted between 1875 and 1880, encapsulates the tranquil essence of a setting sun over a still, reflective body of water. This painting is a masterful demonstration of Bannister's skill in conveying atmospheric and natural beauty through his use of warm, golden hues that permeate the scene, inviting viewers into a calming, almost ethereal landscape.Atmosphere plays a pivotal role in "Sunset." Bannister employs a subdued palette dominated by browns, greens, and rich ochres, which blend together to create a hazy, luminescent sky that dramatically captures the fading light. The sun, though not directly visible, is powerfully present in the radiant light that saturates the sky and reflects off the water's surface, illuminating the landscape with a soft, golden glow.The composition features a cluster of trees on the right, their dark silhouettes providing a stark contrast to the brightness of the sky. These trees, full and lush, lean over the water’s edge, as if to gaze at their own reflections. On the left, the horizon is obscured by more foliage and the shadows of twilight, adding depth and mystery to the scene.Bannister's brushwork enhances the fluidity and texture of the painting, from the smooth, reflective water to the rough, impressionistic foliage that frames the scene. This textural interplay not only highlights his adeptness with the medium but also enriches the viewer's sensory experience of the natural world.


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Edward Mitchell Bannister (November 2, 1828 – January 9, 1901) was an oil painter of the American Barbizon school. Born in Canada, he spent his adult life in New England in the United States. There, along with his wife Christiana Carteaux Bannister, he was a prominent member of African-American cultural and political communities, such as the Boston abolition movement. Bannister received national recognition after he won a first prize in painting at the 1876 Philadelphia Centennial Exhibition. He was also a founding member of the Providence Art Club and the Rhode Island School of Design.