Old Man with Conical Hat (circa 1757)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo, a master of Venetian painting and printmaking, showcases his exquisite etching skills in "Old Man with Conical Hat." This compelling work, dating back to around 1757, delves deep into the human character and emotion through the portrayal of an elderly man wearing a distinctive, conical hat.The etching is defined by its intricate detail and rich textures, capturing the furrowed brows and deep-set eyes of the subject, which convey a sense of worn wisdom and introspection. The man's facial features are meticulously rendered, highlighting his thick beard and mustache that frame his contemplative gaze. The conical hat, adorned with an ornamental medallion, draws the eye, adding a layer of intrigue and stateliness to the figure.Tiepolo's use of light and shadow in this etching enhances the three-dimensional effect of the piece, creating a lifelike presence that engages the viewer. Each stroke and line is deliberate, contributing to a composition that is both dramatic and intimate.This artwork is not just a visual study but also a psychological one, inviting viewers to ponder the life and thoughts of the man depicted.


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Giovanni Domenico Tiepolo (August 30, 1727 – March 3, 1804) was an Italian painter and printmaker in etching. He was the son of artist Giovanni Battista Tiepolo and elder brother of Lorenzo Baldissera Tiepolo.