Portrait of Artist’s Daughter Palma (1905)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This exquisite pastel work by Ľudovít Čordák, dated 1905, captures a tender and intimate portrait of his daughter, Palma. The painting showcases the artist's delicate and refined use of pastels, bringing out the soft textures and gentle hues that emphasize the youthful innocence and subtle contemplation in Palma’s expression.In "Portrait of Artist's Daughter Palma," the viewer is immediately drawn to her face, which is rendered with a soft, almost ethereal quality. The young girl, likely in her early teens, displays a mix of childlike innocence and the emerging maturity of adulthood. Her eyes, thoughtful and slightly averted, suggest a moment of introspection or daydreaming, adding depth to her character beyond her physical portrayal.Palma wears a large, stylish black hat adorned with a cluster of bright red flowers, which provides a striking contrast to her pale complexion and light-colored attire. The red of the flowers is echoed in the color of her dress, tying the composition together with a warm vibrancy. Her jacket, adorned with a simple gold button, adds a touch of elegance and formality to the otherwise tender portrait.The background of the painting is subdued, featuring neutral tones that focus the viewer’s attention firmly on Palma. This choice ensures that her figure and facial expression remain the central elements of the artwork, highlighted beautifully by the artist's signature in the corner, a reminder of the personal connection and affection inherent in this family portrait.This piece is not only a display of Čordák’s mastery in pastel but also a poignant glimpse into the personal life of the artist, immortalizing a moment in his daughter’s life with warmth and affection.


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Ludwig Deutsch was an Austrian painter who settled in Paris and became a noted Orientalist artist.

Details of Ludwig Deutsch's life are obscure. He was born in Vienna in 1855 into a well-established Jewish family. His father Ignaz Deutsch was a financier at the Austrian court. He studied at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts 1872–1875, then, in 1878, moved to Paris where he became strongly associated with Orientalism.