La villa – Environs de Paris

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"La villa – Environs de Paris" by Jean François Raffaëlli beautifully captures the tranquil essence of the Parisian outskirts during what appears to be the late 19th to early 20th century. This delightful painting depicts a modest countryside villa with a distinctive red roof, subtly standing out against an airy, pale backdrop. The landscape around the villa is gentle and slightly overgrown, suggesting a peaceful seclusion away from the bustling Paris city life.Raffaëlli's use of soft, muted colors evokes a sense of serenity and timelessness, inviting the viewer to experience the calm and quiet of a rural French setting. The artist’s brushwork delicately blends the natural elements with the architectural, weaving them together in a cohesive and inviting scene. The hints of foliage and the open sky contribute to the overall pastoral mood of the piece.This painting not only serves as a visual retreat but also reflects Raffaëlli's skill in capturing the essence of a locale with both emotion and precision.


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Jean-François Raffaëlli was a French realist painter, sculptor, and printmaker who exhibited with the Impressionists. He was also active as an actor and writer.

Born in Paris, he was of Tuscan descent through his paternal grandparents. He showed an interest in music and theatre before becoming a painter in 1870. One of his landscape paintings was accepted for exhibition at the Salon in that same year.