Vertumnus and Pomona

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Vertumnus and Pomona" is a captivating artwork by the renowned 18th-century French artist François Boucher. This delicate drawing illustrates the mythological tale of love and transformation from Ovid's Metamorphoses. It depicts the moment when Vertumnus, the god of seasons, orchards, and gardens, disguised as an old woman, attempts to woo the beautiful nymph Pomona, known for her skill in horticulture.In Boucher’s romantic composition, Pomona is seated gracefully, her visage turned towards her admirer, seemingly captivated by Vertumnus's entreaties. Her figure, relaxed yet alert, mirrors the combination of suspicion and intrigue. The surrounding landscape brims with lush foliage and floral elements, nodding to Pomona's dominion over orchards. This naturalistic abundance enhances the scene's romantic ambiance.Boucher's skill in rendering emotion and narrative is evident in the dynamic posing and facial expressions of the characters, conveying a delicate dance of persuasion. His use of soft, sinuous lines and meticulous detail in the leaves and flowers foregrounds the Rococo style's ornate aesthetics and emphasis on themes of love and nature.


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François Boucher (1703–1770) was a French painter, engraver, illustrator and printmaker. He was a proponent of Rococo and had a huge influence in spreading the style throughout Europe. His art was idyllic and voluptuous with a high-toned palette of blues and pinks. He created designs for all decorative arts, porcelains and tapestries. Boucher also painted several portraits including his patroness Madame de Pompadour. He is one of the most celebrated decorative artists of the 18th century.