Goosey, goosey gander

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Goosey, Goosey Gander" is a charming painting by Leonard Leslie Brooke, an artist renowned for his delightful illustrations in children's books. This painting features a large, lifelike goose standing at the threshold of a beautifully detailed room that opens up to a bright, inviting garden path.The goose, positioned centrally, dominates the composition with its impressive size and detailed feathering. Its gaze directed upwards, perhaps curious about the interior it's about to enter, adds a whimsical touch to the scene. The room is adorned with soft-hued rugs and wooden furnishings, which include a quaint umbrella stand filled with walking sticks, hinting at a lived-in and cozy space. On the walls, framed portraits add a personal touch, suggesting the home's cherished memories or esteemed inhabitants.Through the open door, we see a path leading out to a meticulously kept garden, blooming with an array of colorful flowers and lush greenery framing the stone pathway. A distant blue gate under an arched entry promises exploration and mystery, extending an invitation to the viewer to imagine what lies beyond.Leonard Leslie Brooke's use of soft watercolors contributes to the serene and almost magical atmosphere of the painting, encapsulating a moment that bridges the familiarity of a home with the allure of nature.


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Leonard Leslie Brooke was a British artist and writer.

Brooke was born in Birkenhead, England, the second son of Leonard D. Brooke. He was educated at Birkenhead School and the Royal Academy Schools. While travelling in Italy, Brooke suffered a serious illness. He survived, but was left permanently deaf.