Corridor of Summer (circa 1910)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Delve into the enchanting realm of "Corridor of Summer," a mesmerizing painting by the renowned American artist Arthur Bowen Davies, created around 1910. This stunning artwork transports viewers to a mystical woodland scene at dusk, where the play of light and shadow creates a serene yet enchanting atmosphere.In the foreground, a striking composition catches the eye—three female figures depicted in a state of ethereal motion amidst a forest clearing. The central figure sits gracefully with a contemplative poise, perhaps reflecting on the surrounding beauty or lost in a silent discourse with nature. To her left, another figure stretches across the canvas in a flowing, dreamlike gesture that suggests movement and fluidity. The figure on the right, rendered in a standing posture, appears almost as a spectral presence, enhancing the painting's otherworldly aura.The backdrop features towering trees and a twilight sky, subtly painted to capture the fleeting moments of sunset. The trees, stark and dark against the lighter sky, frame the scene and draw the viewer deeper into the forest's embrace. Ethereal blue shapes flutter through the leaves and branches, possibly symbolizing leaves or spirits of the wood, contributing to the overall mystique.Arthur Bowen Davies is celebrated for his unique ability to fuse reality with fantasy, and "Corridor of Summer" is a quintessential example of his visionary approach. The painting evokes a sense of peace and introspection, inviting viewers to explore not only the visual splendor of Davies' composition but also the deeper, introspective journeys it provokes.


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Arthur Bowen Davies (September 26, 1862 – October 24, 1928) was an avant-garde American artist and influential advocate of modern art in the United States.