Gilt state bed of Queen Marie Antoinette (1910 - 1911)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Edwin Foley's intricate watercolor "Gilt State Bed of Queen Marie Antoinette (1910 - 1911)" provides a dazzling glimpse into the opulent world of 18th-century French royalty. This painting captures the majestic sleeping quarters presumably designed for Marie Antoinette, the last Queen of France before the French Revolution.The bed, resplendent and stately, is covered in rich, floral fabric patterns, with a lush array of colors including vivacious reds, greens, and beautiful shades of blue. It features an ornate, gilded canopy adorned with elaborate designs and crests, framing the bed in a regal manner. The canopy is supported by beautifully crafted columns and crowned with a decorative border that displays intricate woodwork and golden embellishments.Around the bed, the room reflects the height of royal decor. Floral tapestries envelop the space, and the craftsmanship extends to the finely detailed wood panels and carved furniture that can be seen around the room's perimeter. The overall effect is one of grandeur, designed to reflect the power and prestige of its occupant.This painting not only showcases Foley's skill in capturing texture and detail but also serves as a historical document, reflecting the tastes and interior styles favored by the French monarchy in the late 18th century.


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Author and illustrator of The Book of Decorative Furniture, published in 2 volumes by T. C. & E. C. Jack in 1910-11, which featured one hundred reproductions in full colour and one thousand text illustrations. The book went through a number of editions.

Almost nothing has been published about Foley other than that he was a Fellow of the institute of designers.

He was born Edwin John Foley in Fisherton Anger, Wiltshire, c.1859, the second child and eldest son of furniture manufacturer Arthur Foley of the Fisherton Cabinet Works, Salisbury, and his wife Jane. He was at least partly educated in London,  where he lived with his uncle and aunt, Peter and Rhoda Marie Brown.

He worked as a designer for his father from at least the early 1880s, but by 1891 was living in Charlotte Street, Marylebone, with his wife Louisa Maud (nee Hayford), whom he married in 1882. They had three children, Conrad Hayford (b. 1885), Hubert Edwin (b. 1887) and Alan Victor (b. 1888).

Edwin John Foley lived at 294 Camden Road, Middlesex, and died at Cottesloe, Western Australia, on 25 April 1912.

Many more pictures by Edwin Foley can be found at the Look and Learn picture library.