Two Hounds Attacking a Stag at Bay

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Two Hounds Attacking a Stag at Bay" is a dynamic and emotive watercolor painting by the English artist Samuel Howitt, known for his skilled renderings of animals and scenes from nature. In this captivating artwork, Howitt masterfully depicts the intense moment of a hunt, capturing both the motion and emotion of the scene.The painting shows a majestic stag, with its impressive antlers thrown back, as it fiercely stands its ground against two relentless hounds. The stag’s posture and expression convey a mix of defiance and distress, highlighting the struggle for survival. The hounds are depicted in mid-action, one lunging towards the stag with an open jaw and the other close behind, both embodying the essence of determination and focus.Howitt's use of muted earthy tones and fluid brushstrokes creates a swirling background that seems to mimic the turmoil of the encounter. This artistic choice not only enhances the feeling of movement but also adds a dramatic depth to the scene, pulling the viewer into the heart of the action.Displaying Howitt’s characteristic attention to detail and his profound understanding of animal behavior, "Two Hounds Attacking a Stag at Bay" is a poignant representation of nature's raw beauty and brutality.


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Samuel Howitt was an English painter, illustrator and etcher of animals, hunting, horse-racing and landscape scenes. He worked in both oils and watercolors.