Him from his craggy winding haunts unearth’d (1794)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Welcome to our exploration of "Him from his craggy winding haunts unearth'd," a captivating painting by Samuel Howitt, created in 1794. This painting vividly captures the energy and suspense of a traditional fox hunt. In this scene, a group of hunters on horseback, adorned in the bright and somber hues of their hunting attire, pursues a fox across a rustic landscape. The image is set against a backdrop of leafless trees and a cloudy sky, infusing the moment with a sense of urgency and movement.Central to the composition are three riders, with the most prominent one dressed in a striking red jacket, signaling his role possibly as the hunt leader. Howitt’s attention to the dynamism of the hunt is evident in the way the horses and figures are portrayed mid-action, enhancing the painting's sense of immediacy.Adding to the drama, the fox dashes across the foreground, suggesting its frantic attempt to escape. The detailed rendering of the expressions, both of the riders and the animals, alongside the meticulous landscape, highlights Howitt's skill in capturing both the spirit and the detailed nuances of his subject matter.This piece not only offers insights into the hunting customs of the era but also showcases Howitt’s mastery in depicting vivid, active scenes within nature.


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Samuel Howitt was an English painter, illustrator and etcher of animals, hunting, horse-racing and landscape scenes. He worked in both oils and watercolors.