Study for the Portrait of Louis Pasteur (1885)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Albert Edelfelt’s 1885 masterpiece, "Study for the Portrait of Louis Pasteur," captures a moment of intense concentration and meticulous inquiry, typical of the famed French chemist and microbiologist. In this evocative oil painting, Louis Pasteur is depicted in a cluttered laboratory, filled with the tools of his life-saving research.Pasteur is shown examining a glass flask, which symbolizes his groundbreaking contributions to the fields of chemistry and microbiology, particularly his development of vaccines and the process of pasteurization. His focus and solemn expression reflect his dedication to scientific inquiry and the weight of responsibility he bore in his quest to understand and combat diseases. The surrounding laboratory, with shelves stacked with other scientific equipment and glassware, adds to the authenticity and detail of the period setting.The lighting in the painting highlights Pasteur’s face and the flask, drawing attention to the critical moment of scientific examination. Edelfelt’s use of warm colors and dynamic brushstrokes creates a vivid atmosphere that enhances the sense of realism and historical importance.This portrait not only affirms Albert Edelfelt’s skill as a painter but also celebrates the enduring legacy of Louis Pasteur’s scientific achievements.


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Albert Edelfelt (1854-1905) was a renowned Finnish painter. He showed an interest in painting and drawing from a young age and went on to study at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerpt, Belgium. After his studies, he moved to Paris and became a prominent figure in the Parisian art scene. Edelfelt's paintings were mostly inspired by history, and he captured the emotions and atmosphere of the era he portrayed skillfully. He was also known for his exquisite portraiture, which he executed with precision and attention to detail. Edelfelt passed away on August 18, 1905, in Porvoo, Finland, but his legacy continues to live on. His work has been exhibited all around the world in major galleries and museums, and he is regarded as one of the most celebrated Finnish artists of all time.