Capriccio with a Roman Triumphal Arch (1720–30)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Capriccio with a Roman Triumphal Arch" is an evocative and imaginative creation by the Venetian master Canaletto, painted between 1720 and 1730. Known primarily for his precise and picturesque urban scenes of Venice, here Canaletto delves into the realm of capriccio, blending real architectural elements with fantastical compositions.In this artwork, Canaletto portrays an ornate Roman triumphal arch, meticulously detailed, standing as the focal point amidst ruins that suggest the remains of a once-thriving civilization. The arch, richly adorned with carvings and statues, exudes a sense of grandeur and ancient glory. Surrounding it are scattered remnants of classical columns and intricate sculptures that enhance the scene’s historical aura.The setting is further animated by figures in period clothing, adding a human element that invites viewers to ponder the activities of daily life amidst such historical grandness. These figures, along with the detailed architectural fragments, encourage a narrative that bridges past with present, offering a glimpse into the artist’s creative mind.This painting not only demonstrates Canaletto's skill in architectural rendering but also his capacity to stir the imagination, crafting scenes that, while anchored in reality, transcend the ordinary to captivate and intrigue.


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Giovanni Antonio Canal (18 October 1697 – 19 April 1768), commonly known as Canaletto, was an Italian painter from the Republic of Venice, considered an important member of the 18th-century Venetian school.

Painter of city views or vedute, of Venice, Rome, and London, he also painted imaginary views, although the demarcation in his works between the real and the imaginary is never quite clearcut. He was further an important printmaker using the etching technique. In the period from 1746 to 1756, he worked in England, where he painted many views of London and other sites, including Warwick Castle and Alnwick Castle. He was highly successful in England, thanks to the British merchant and connoisseur Joseph "Consul" Smith, whose large collection of Canaletto's works was sold to King George III in 1762.