Farm at Kerity, Brittany

Technique: Giclée quality print
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In this charming painting, "Farm at Kerity, Brittany," by French artist Charles François Daubigny, viewers are given a taste of rural life undisturbed by the hustle and bustle of urban settings. This masterpiece embodies Daubigny's signature style of landscape painting that played a pivotal role in the Barbizon school and greatly influenced the Impressionists.The scene is set in the picturesque region of Brittany, capturing a serene and expansive farm landscape under a vast, dynamic sky. The foreground is occupied by a group of cattle leisurely grazing across the golden fields, illustrating the calm and everyday life of the local cattle herders. These pastoral elements are painted with soft, naturalistic colors and brush strokes, highlighting Daubigny's dedication to capturing the true essence of the landscape.Dominating the middleground are the quaint, traditional stone buildings of the farm, with their sturdy structures casting early evening shadows across the fields. The low horizon line accentuates the sweeping sky above, layered with gentle clouds that suggest the transition of time and weather."Farm at Kerity, Brittany" invites observers to take a moment to appreciate the timeless beauty of nature and rural life, depicted through the masterful brushwork and compassionate perspective of Charles François Daubigny. This piece not only provides a visual retreat but also serves as a testament to the artist’s ability to harmonize enchantment with reality.


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Charles-François Daubigny (15 February 1817 – 19 February 1878) was a French painter, one of the members of the Barbizon school, and is considered an important precursor of impressionism.

He was also a prolific printmaker, mostly in etching but also as one of the main artists to use the cliché verre technique.