The lion ate some of the porridge (1900)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"The Lion Ate Some of the Porridge" is a charming illustration by William Wallace Denslow, dating back to 1900. Renowned for his distinctive style, Denslow brings an enchanting scene to life where fantasy intermingles with everyday life. This painting depicts a congenial gathering at a dining table, centered around the imposing yet benign figure of a lion, who partakes in a simple meal of porridge.Surrounding the lion are figures that might be plucked from a child’s imagination— a young girl in a blue dotted dress, a reminiscent robot of tin, and a couple of whimsical characters that might be from nursery rhymes or fairytales, each with their unique expressions and postures. The backdrop is simplistic and stylized, emphasizing the playfulness and narrative style that Denslow is celebrated for.This work, rich with character and color, is not just an illustration; it is a portal into a world where the lines between animal and human, the real and the fantastical, are joyously blurred. It invites viewers of all ages to suspend disbelief and step into a whimsical story that feels both familiar and wonderfully strange.


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William Wallace Denslow was an American illustrator and caricaturist remembered for his work in collaboration with author L. Frank Baum, especially his illustrations of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz. Denslow was an editorial cartoonist with a strong interest in politics, which has fueled political interpretations of The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.