Polo Game At Misgar (1931)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"Polo Game At Misgar (1931)" by Alexandre Jacovleff captures a riveting scene of a polo match set against the rugged and vast landscape of Misgar. The painting is a dynamic composition filled with motion and color. In the foreground, we see vigorously painted polo players mounted on their horses, engaged in an intense game. The dust kicked up by the galloping horses creates a sense of speed and fervor, almost tangible to the viewer.Jacovleff's brushwork expertly conveys the chaos and excitement of the polo match, with each stroke emphasizing the swift movement of the players and their mounts. Behind this immediate action, the serene and majestic mountains stand in stark contrast, painted with softer, more muted tones that suggest their enduring presence and tranquility.This combination of immediate action in the foreground and the timeless landscape in the background evokes a profound sense of place and moment, characteristic of Jacovleff’s ability to blend spirited human activity with the sublime beauty of nature.


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Alexandre Yevgenievich Jacovleff (25 June 1887 – 12 May 1938) was a neoclassicist painter, draughtsman, designer and etcher.