In der Kaffeemittelfabrik (1900)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"In der Kaffeemittelfabrik," painted by Carl Moll in 1900, offers a compelling glimpse into the bustling atmosphere of an early 20th-century coffee processing plant. The artist's ability to capture light is particularly evident, with sunlight streaming through large windows, bathing the factory interior and its workers in a warm, golden glow.The painting showcases a group of workers engaged in various tasks associated with coffee processing. The foreground features a female worker, her back to the viewer, observing her male colleagues who meticulously handle the machinery and tools necessary for their work. The room is filled with large, industrial equipment, and each worker appears focused and absorbed in their task.Moll's use of perspective and light not only highlights the industrial progress of the era but also brings an almost sacred quality to the everyday labour of the workers. The earthy tones and the structured placement of figures and machines give the painting a sense of order and diligence."In der Kaffeemittelfabrik" is more than just a depiction of a workplace; it is a narrative about industry, teamwork, and the era's technological advancements, painted with a sensitivity that bridges the gap between the beauty of art and the realities of labor.


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Carl Julius Rudolf Moll (23 April 1861 – 13 April 1945) was an Austrian art nouveau painter active in Vienna at the start of the 20th century. He was one of the artists of the Vienna Secession who took inspiration from the pointillist techniques of French Impressionists. He was an early supporter of the Nazis and committed suicide as Soviet forces approached Vienna at the end of World War II.