Saint-Tropez (1897)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Maximilien Luce's vibrant painting "Saint-Tropez" from 1897 captures the lively essence and scenic ambiance of this enchanting coastal town. This artwork portrays a bustling harbor scene, rich with the activities of daily life and set against the backdrop of Saint-Tropez's charming architecture. The painting is imbued with light and color, featuring shades that evoke the warmth of the Mediterranean sun.In the foreground, sailing boats with their sails gently lowered bask by the water’s edge, surrounded by town folk and fishermen. These figures are depicted in a variety of poses, from individuals tending to boats to groups engaged in conversation, suggesting a community closely connected to the sea. The buildings, painted with quick, dynamic strokes, exhibit a spectrum of earthy tones and pastel hues, underlying Luce’s mastery in portraying light and structural texture.This piece is a brilliant example of Luce’s work, showcasing his ability to combine the Neo-Impressionist technique with a profound depiction of everyday life. "Saint-Tropez" not only reflects the vibrant maritime culture of the late 19th century but also invites viewers to appreciate the serene beauty of this famous French Riviera location.


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Maximilien Luce was a prolific French Neo-impressionist artist, known for his paintings, illustrations, engravings, and graphic art, and also for his anarchist activism. Starting as an engraver, he then concentrated on painting, first as an Impressionist, then as a Pointillist, and finally returning to Impressionism.