Le Père De L’artiste (circa 1881)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Nestled into a lush, verdant background, the figure in Maximilien Luce's painting "Le Père De L’artiste" (The Artist’s Father) embodies a serene yet vigorous spirit of the everyday man. Painted circa 1881, this striking portrait not only encapsulates Luce’s deep respect for his father but also reflects the artist's skill in rendering human emotion and detailed textures.The subject, Luce's father, is depicted against a backdrop of dense foliage, emphasizing a connection to nature and perhaps a peaceful retirement. He sits comfortably, yet with an upright posture that suggests a life of resilience and hard work. Dressed in earth tones, he wears a brown vest and jacket, with a white shirt peeking through, accentuating practicality and simplicity in his attire.The focal point of the painting is the father's expressive face, slightly flushed with hints of life's experiences etched upon it. His eyes seem to look intently beyond the frame, lost in thought or perhaps observing the subtleties of his surroundings. Adding to the pensiveness of the scene, he holds a pipe delicately between his fingers — an emblem of contemplation and personal moment.Beside him rests a newspaper and a vividly colored book, possibly indicating his interests in current affairs and literature. These elements subtly narrate a story of a learned man who values staying informed and intellectually engaged.


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Maximilien Luce was a prolific French Neo-impressionist artist, known for his paintings, illustrations, engravings, and graphic art, and also for his anarchist activism. Starting as an engraver, he then concentrated on painting, first as an Impressionist, then as a Pointillist, and finally returning to Impressionism.