Oiseaux et glycines, tenture. Lézards et lierre, bordure. (1897)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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Lézards et lierre, bordure." (1897) Artist: Maurice Pillard VerneuilThis captivating piece by Maurice Pillard Verneuil, a prominent figure in the Art Nouveau movement, showcases his profound ability to blend natural elements with decorative artistry. The artwork, titled "Oiseaux et glycines, tenture. Lézards et lierre, bordure." translates to "Birds and Wisteria, Tapestry. Lizards and Ivy, Border." and vividly illustrates Verneuil’s enchantment with the natural world.The main panel features an intricate depiction of birds in mid-flight amongst branches of blooming wisteria. The dynamic poses of the birds, coupled with the detailed, lush foliage and hanging blooms, create a lively and immersive scene. The color palette emphasizes rich blues and vibrant yellows, adding depth and contrast that highlight the natural beauty of the subjects.The border contrasts yet complements the central imagery, depicting lizards amidst a network of ivy. This section of the artwork is rendered in more subdued earth tones, focusing on the interplay of form and texture rather than vivid coloration. The stylization of the lizards and ivy leaves adds a decorative touch that reflects the Art Nouveau style’s focus on ornamental design.Together, these elements make "Oiseaux et glycines, tenture. Lézards et lierre, bordure." not only a piece of art but also a study of the harmonious balance between the wildlife and botanical beauty.


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Maurice Pillard Verneuil was a French artist and decorator in the Art nouveau movement. He was born in Saint-Quentin, France. Maurice Pillard Verneuil learned his trade from the Swiss designer Eugène Grasset. Maurice Pillard Verneuil then went on to become a well-known artist and designer. He was inspired by Japanese art and nature, particularly the sea. He is known for his contribution to the art deco movement and, in particular, his use of bold, floral designs in ceramic tiles, wallpapers and other furnishing textiles.