Chrysanthème (1896)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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The artwork titled "Chrysanthème" by Maurice Pillard Verneuil, crafted in 1896, is a splendid representation of the chrysanthemum, a flower revered across cultures for its beauty and significance. This piece showcases Verneuil's mastery in the Art Nouveau style, which is celebrated for its fluid lines and connection to natural forms.In "Chrysanthème," the canvas springs to life with detailed depictions of several chrysanthemum blooms in varying stages of unfoldment. Each flower is rendered with meticulous attention to the nuances of its petals and rich foliage. The flowers themselves vary in colors from vibrant reds and soft yellows to subtle greens, imbuing the piece with a sense of warmth and inviting visual complexity. The background, in a muted beige, enhances the vividness of the floral subjects, ensuring they remain the focal point of the work.Maurice Pillard Verneuil's artistic technique includes clearly defined outlines and a harmonious color palette that remains true to the essence of the chrysanthemum. This painting not only captures the eye but also conveys the elegance and organic beauty of these enchanting flowers."Chrysanthème" is more than just a portrayal of flowers; it is a celebration of natural beauty and the intricate patterns found in nature, encapsulated beautifully through Verneuil's Art Nouveau lens.


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Maurice Pillard Verneuil was a French artist and decorator in the Art nouveau movement. He was born in Saint-Quentin, France. Maurice Pillard Verneuil learned his trade from the Swiss designer Eugène Grasset. Maurice Pillard Verneuil then went on to become a well-known artist and designer. He was inspired by Japanese art and nature, particularly the sea. He is known for his contribution to the art deco movement and, in particular, his use of bold, floral designs in ceramic tiles, wallpapers and other furnishing textiles.