Mosque of Sultan Hassan, Cairo. (1846-1849)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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This exquisitely detailed painting by David Roberts, titled "Mosque of Sultan Hassan, Cairo," captures the tranquil and spiritual atmosphere of one of Egypt's most celebrated religious sites. Painted between 1846 and 1849, Roberts' work offers a glimpse into the historic grandeur of Islamic architecture in the heart of Cairo.The center of the artwork features an ornate fountain under a domed canopy, serving both a practical and aesthetic purpose, as water is essential for the ritual ablutions performed before prayers in Islam. Surrounding the fountain are people engaged in various activities, some in conversation, and others in quiet contemplation or prayer, lending a vibrant yet serene life to the scene.Roberts' mastery is evident in the portrayal of the mosque’s architectural details—from the majestic arches and the intricate play of light and shadow, to the subtle textures of the stone work. The grand arches dramatically frame the composition, indicating the imposing scale and the spiritual significance of the mosque.This painting not only captures the architectural beauty and social life surrounding the Mosque of Sultan Hassan but also serves as a historical document, reflecting the cultural and religious practices of the time. David Roberts, with his keen eye for detail and his profound respect for different cultures, has left us with a valuable legacy that continues to enchant and educate.


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David Roberts (24 October 1796 – 25 November 1864) was a Scottish painter. He is especially known for The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia, a prolific series of detailed lithograph prints of Egypt and the Near East that he produced from sketches he made during long tours of the region (1838–1840). These and his large oil paintings of similar subjects made him a prominent Orientalist painter. He was elected as a Royal Academician in 1841.