The Citadel Of Tangier, Morocco (1837)

Technique: Giclée quality print
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"The Citadel of Tangier, Morocco" is a captivating 1837 painting by the renowned Scottish artist David Roberts, who is esteemed for his detailed renderings of notable landscapes and architectural works. This artwork presents an evocative view of Tangier, portraying the historic city in a light that beautifully balances ethereality with accuracy.The painting depicts Tangier from an elevated perspective, showcasing its dense and bustling urban landscape, underscored by the imposing citadel that watches over the city. Roberts' skillful use of muted color tones not only highlights the arid environment of Morocco but also serves to enhance the architectural details of the city's buildings and the citadel. The intricate detailing in the depiction of the minaret, visible rooftops, and distant fortifications suggests a city steeped in history and rich cultural heritage.Foregrounded in the scene are various figures that add a vibrant layer of life to the cityscape. In the lower part of the painting, we see groups of people engaged in daily activities. Their traditional attire and the market-like setting where they gather, suggest a glimpse of the local life, with interpersonal interactions and commerce playing a central role in the daily bustle.David Roberts’ "The Citadel of Tangier, Morocco" not only captures the architectural allure and geographic beauty of Tangier but also conveys a sense of the city’s vibrant culture and the dynamic rhythms of its inhabitants' lives.


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David Roberts (24 October 1796 – 25 November 1864) was a Scottish painter. He is especially known for The Holy Land, Syria, Idumea, Arabia, Egypt, and Nubia, a prolific series of detailed lithograph prints of Egypt and the Near East that he produced from sketches he made during long tours of the region (1838–1840). These and his large oil paintings of similar subjects made him a prominent Orientalist painter. He was elected as a Royal Academician in 1841.